Class Descriptions


Yoga Flow Classes (All levels)

Yoga Flow classes are carefully designed to explore the active, dynamic vinyasa practice with the passive, cooling, relaxation. We begin with purging the body of restlessness or stagnation by way of dynamic movement and are then able to drop more easily into a place of stillness to find space in both the body and mind.


Gentle Yoga (All levels)

This class welcomes all levels and focuses on slow, mindful movement, and breathwork.  The asana (posture) practice will minimize extra weight bearing while still encouraging a range of motion within the joints.  Modifications are available for every posture and students are encouraged to work at their own pace.


Strong Flow

Strong flow is inspired by ashtanga and power yoga. In this flow you will be guided through a faster moving flow and will tap into the strength of your body in a deeper way. Physically, we will explore strength, balance and resilience. The internal challenge will be to quiet the inner critic that can show up when we try new, challenging practices and to listen to your body and take rest whenever your body asks for it.

Restorative Yoga (All levels)

Seated, walking, and lying meditations will be explored in more depth during this evening class.  Described as ‘the Yoga of Being’, Restorative Yoga encourages passive, supported postures in which breathwork may be explored.   Postures are held for a longer duration as a way of invoking the relaxation response within the body.  This class is strategically placed to restore, nourish and renew after a busy week and reset for the week to come!



Kids' Yoga (Next session dates TBA)

Let’s face it. Our children are facing silent and not-so-silent stressors in our current world. This class is designed to offer simple, playful, concrete strategies that will start to build a wellness toolkit for our kiddos. We will focus on bringing balance back into the minds, hearts and bodies of our young people through mindful eating (snack provided), yoga, breathwork and meditation.

A healthy snack is provided and pick up from NCPS by a grade 8 is optional.

Bro-ga: Yoga for Guys (All levels, dates TBA)

In this all-levels class designed specifically for guys, we spend some extra time focusing on the low back, chest, shoulders and hamstrings.  The class moves through a slow progression that encourages muscles to loosen their grip, joints to increase their range and breath to expand its reach.  As in all classes, modifications are offered for those suffering from chronic or acute pain and those returning from injury..