Single Class

$20 cash | $22 online

No need to commit, just drop-in. We look forward to seeing you when you can make it!

Four Class Pass

$70/calendar month

Commit yourself to any 4 classes within the calendar month and notice how a regular practice affects your wellbeing!


Unlimited Monthly

$120/calendar month

Attend any/all classes at the studio This is the most economical option if you plan on attending 2+ classes/week. Attending all classes? This pass would work out to $4-6/class, depending on the month!

Energy Exchange

Cost = Energy

If you would prefer to exchange time instead of money, please send us a note!  Washing + folding towels or blankets, delivering schedules, social media support, cleaning, website support, creating advertisements/calendar entries for the ECHO…to name a few! 

Cost = Energy (approximately 3-5 hours per month, depending on choice of pass)